[2025-01-25 03:10:00.609 UTC] orangeclementine: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:00.644 UTC] cooley: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:00.733 UTC] groot: what? OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:00.844 UTC] natetheyounger: lycan SALUTE stay
[2025-01-25 03:10:00.988 UTC] mr_backshots_: had Lycan said anything NAILS
[2025-01-25 03:10:01.051 UTC] grimmaru: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:01.055 UTC] curl: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:01.934 UTC] saucywiggles: MASTERB8 MASTERB8 MASTERB8 MASTERB8
[2025-01-25 03:10:02.001 UTC] huck: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:02.206 UTC] pipipi7: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:02.621 UTC] muninn11: as of when ????
[2025-01-25 03:10:02.878 UTC] dubsmash: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:03.539 UTC] camilo: Destiny is straighterade banned too?
[2025-01-25 03:10:03.581 UTC] sig_23: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:03.799 UTC] igortrolll: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.082 UTC] victor_rupt: NAHH NOOOO SHOT
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.105 UTC] alembic: peepoRiot
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.166 UTC] amumulessthan3: get fucking rekt jakob
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.211 UTC] syken: so no guests NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.563 UTC] ivory: Hawlk FeelsBirthdayMan
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.634 UTC] demolit1on: NOOOO
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.838 UTC] saltersign: SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:04.910 UTC] misterdn: 1K VIEWERS NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:05.717 UTC] fish: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:05.730 UTC] coolmann: OMEGALUL ON HER OWN
[2025-01-25 03:10:06.221 UTC] derfaba: >tfw I member "The Late Game" DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:06.530 UTC] tooth: SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:06.780 UTC] calcifer65: Lycan i hope u still make the cookbook brother SALUTE even tho ur GF is a legit retard SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:07.061 UTC] grimmaru: lil sis NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:07.589 UTC] k1ngkoala: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:07.610 UTC] leoc2b: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:08.167 UTC] envy_s: AngelThump going back to Canada
[2025-01-25 03:10:09.139 UTC] 9ep: OMEGALUL bridges is dead then
[2025-01-25 03:10:10.111 UTC] veggiebro: nathanOOO Lycan get down
[2025-01-25 03:10:10.338 UTC] metaloidsword: no fucking shot she does bridges by herself dafuq
[2025-01-25 03:10:10.839 UTC] fish: yeahhhh NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:11.603 UTC] groot: who is gonna just watch nse by herself? NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:11.683 UTC] f1ghtmilk1: Wow did lycan leave the destiny pad?!?
[2025-01-25 03:10:12.130 UTC] infuriatinglyopaque: I always enjoyed your guitar interludes Lycan FeelsOkayMan gl with life
[2025-01-25 03:10:12.328 UTC] k1ngkoala: lil sis uhhh NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:14.279 UTC] witness: NOPERS
[2025-01-25 03:10:14.512 UTC] leoc2b: NAHH NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:14.515 UTC] folieadude: shoulda been smoked ages ago Abathur
[2025-01-25 03:10:14.986 UTC] x_y_z: who will watch bridges without destiny LUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:16.297 UTC] trymme: no MMMM
[2025-01-25 03:10:16.600 UTC] parkchan: WAIT WHAT
[2025-01-25 03:10:17.387 UTC] apathylete: > Lycan sorry I snitched on you dawg but you wouldn't have been on my radar if it hadn't been for YOUR retweets Shrugstiny
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.361 UTC] mattrix: Calcifer65 too real DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.459 UTC] groggi: uh
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.501 UTC] destiny: !ipban lycan, straighterade Just look at the flowers, Lenny DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.549 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned lycan
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.549 UTC] bot: lycan banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: Just look at the flowers, Lenny DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.587 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned straighterade
[2025-01-25 03:10:20.588 UTC] bot: straighterade banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: Just look at the flowers, Lenny DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:21.005 UTC] igortrolll: LEAKED LULW
[2025-01-25 03:10:22.313 UTC] skatar: hey lycan get on dan's stream and play a so- POGGERS
[2025-01-25 03:10:24.486 UTC] camilo: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.054 UTC] gl0gul: SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.059 UTC] existentialdread: Straighterade is the fucking worst
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.157 UTC] slept: Destiny ban this retard too please ApeHands colon
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.399 UTC] orangeclementine: > all orbiters are gone DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.669 UTC] groot: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:25.937 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.102 UTC] k1ngkoala: Abathur DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.488 UTC] witness: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.558 UTC] palette: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.629 UTC] capybara: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.847 UTC] skatar: Aware
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.893 UTC] dougiechan: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.897 UTC] fritz: Calcifer65 bro
[2025-01-25 03:10:26.982 UTC] ipswich: NAILS
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.266 UTC] futaking: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.459 UTC] jegon: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.492 UTC] niconeitor: dancantstream you need to say "i heard from someone in rust"
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.497 UTC] twotoothrube: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.703 UTC] lemmiwinks: NoTears
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.751 UTC] synsynackack: Lenny Hollow
[2025-01-25 03:10:27.848 UTC] w1deo: DaFeels 7
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.193 UTC] di_stressed: Destiny OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.253 UTC] figgles: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.260 UTC] infuriatinglyopaque: DaFeels 7
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.402 UTC] majinminister: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.471 UTC] drawas: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.506 UTC] typez: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.606 UTC] robbobthecorncob: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.738 UTC] geekd: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.751 UTC] alembic: OMEGALUL DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.771 UTC] yky: NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.803 UTC] paretooptimal: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.833 UTC] jegon: NoTears
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.919 UTC] paperboy: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.952 UTC] harmonicresonance: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:28.956 UTC] kanchan: SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.185 UTC] camilo: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.196 UTC] vexinite: DaFeels damn
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.224 UTC] pipipi7: SALUTE
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.476 UTC] chase: Destiny OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.541 UTC] dongster: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.575 UTC] dungus: DaFeels
[2025-01-25 03:10:29.579 UTC] twotoothrube: DuckerZ