[2025-01-25 03:08:35.653 UTC] pyrochrome: SWEEPING
[2025-01-25 03:08:35.895 UTC] coiny: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:36.373 UTC] leoc2b: Cutestiny
[2025-01-25 03:08:36.524 UTC] witness: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:36.595 UTC] mr_backshots_: HUH
[2025-01-25 03:08:36.778 UTC] barrymccockiner: fake
[2025-01-25 03:08:36.816 UTC] charms: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:37.192 UTC] orangeclementine: wie
[2025-01-25 03:08:37.313 UTC] x_y_z: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:37.415 UTC] mad_cultist: WhoahDude
[2025-01-25 03:08:37.860 UTC] lemon_pepper: dggL
[2025-01-25 03:08:38.226 UTC] imaginaryfanboy: Slumlord
[2025-01-25 03:08:38.266 UTC] kertonal: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:38.409 UTC] typez: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:38.524 UTC] scare_cr0: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:39.545 UTC] orangeclementine: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:39.742 UTC] misterdn: LOOK AT IM widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:39.916 UTC] lysergicacid: Pog so fluffy
[2025-01-25 03:08:39.977 UTC] figgles: What did jakob do onefs
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.000 UTC] datguykaide: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.194 UTC] fish: paws AwShoot
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.237 UTC] moji: Maine coon
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.475 UTC] alembic: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.581 UTC] coiny: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.606 UTC] veggiebro: LULW THAT"S AN AI GENERATED CAT
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.736 UTC] eye_miss_poke: widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.875 UTC] qaptaingeebs: those ears omg
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.932 UTC] formerlyredacted: COOMER
[2025-01-25 03:08:40.978 UTC] cotions: CINEMA paws
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.153 UTC] witness: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.602 UTC] iamawesomeyourenot: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.790 UTC] camilo: wtf is that?
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.846 UTC] nithix: Cutestiny
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.852 UTC] groot: AwShoot
[2025-01-25 03:08:41.860 UTC] udon: > FeelsOkayMan a cat is fine too
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.103 UTC] saucyfox: GIGACHAD chin
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.185 UTC] cyanoperator: widepeepoHappy
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.186 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: Slumlord
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.251 UTC] mythinthighs: YAMERO
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.273 UTC] onnig90: NAHH it's ugle bor
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.663 UTC] tastygravel: it costs a billion dollars
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.882 UTC] kozaurus: widepeepoHappy ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:42.999 UTC] folieadude: precious ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:43.023 UTC] metaloidsword: so cute Cutestiny
[2025-01-25 03:08:43.424 UTC] calcifer65: Destiny u should ban Shah too hes posting really cringely titled clips on lsf MMMM
[2025-01-25 03:08:43.492 UTC] twotoothrube: !ipban that retard
[2025-01-25 03:08:43.813 UTC] lolforpoliticsrefugg: ASLAN
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.020 UTC] thepi_rat_ebay: CINEMA
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.204 UTC] majinminister: widepeepoHappy hi buddy
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.470 UTC] synsynackack: Gym Flair genocide DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.702 UTC] destiny: !ipban jakobokaj never seen a man turn into such a pathetic loser for pussy in my entire life. Amumu won
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.706 UTC] bot: Whoops. Outta rounds, lemme reload.
[2025-01-25 03:08:44.730 UTC] khromatic1: Destiny jakob sperged out about you the other night
[2025-01-25 03:08:45.767 UTC] bluelivingabandon: AI SLOP YesHoney
[2025-01-25 03:08:45.808 UTC] gamerblaster69: DAN IS THE BIGGEST BOOMER LULW
[2025-01-25 03:08:46.340 UTC] orangeclementine: Cutestiny
[2025-01-25 03:08:46.382 UTC] blorp: he look retarded
[2025-01-25 03:08:46.483 UTC] chase: destiny jakobokaj was banned yesterday
[2025-01-25 03:08:47.825 UTC] dongster: all this for a ai video NAHH
[2025-01-25 03:08:47.967 UTC] dr_beezus: OMFG Cutestiny
[2025-01-25 03:08:49.364 UTC] saucywiggles: He wants to fuck that cat monkaSMEGA
[2025-01-25 03:08:50.560 UTC] metaloidsword: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:51.350 UTC] aguarama91: dancantstream it's AI
[2025-01-25 03:08:51.569 UTC] witness: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:51.602 UTC] camilo: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:51.685 UTC] typez: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:51.969 UTC] metaloidsword: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:52.120 UTC] figgles: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:52.499 UTC] lysergicacid: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:52.641 UTC] curl: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:52.794 UTC] alembic: DuckerZ DuckerZ DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:53.066 UTC] camilo: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:08:53.455 UTC] fritz: OMEGALUL DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:53.526 UTC] azhron: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:53.638 UTC] eye_miss_poke: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.167 UTC] twotoothrube: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.248 UTC] datguykaide: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.393 UTC] fish: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.418 UTC] synsynackack: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.507 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.624 UTC] babyblasphemy: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.665 UTC] charms: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.755 UTC] johnhentai: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.795 UTC] k1ngkoala: Destiny hesRight
[2025-01-25 03:08:54.954 UTC] elloreut: CINEMA
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.066 UTC] boofus: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.247 UTC] ferdelancy: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.280 UTC] mccransky: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.581 UTC] palette: Bot GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.883 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO RIPBOZO RIPBOZO RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:08:55.966 UTC] godot: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-25 03:08:56.359 UTC] eye_miss_poke: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:56.542 UTC] infuriatinglyopaque: DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:56.635 UTC] camilo: RIPBOZO RIPBOZO
[2025-01-25 03:08:56.639 UTC] ivory: DuckerZ DuckerZ DuckerZ
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.061 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.087 UTC] lysergicacid: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.106 UTC] valdebich: DuckerZ get fucked
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.233 UTC] damon: DURRSTINY
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.271 UTC] palette: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-25 03:08:57.313 UTC] avenged: NAHH