[2025-01-25 01:45:56.739 UTC] myname: Destiny when is the onlyfans starting>
[2025-01-25 01:45:56.818 UTC] metaloidsword: sammyxe MiyanoHype MiyanoHype MiyanoHype MiyanoHype
[2025-01-25 01:45:56.953 UTC] figgles: HE CALLS THE MONOGAMOIDS
[2025-01-25 01:45:57.608 UTC] yuhyuhyeah: AngelThump JUST PLAY GAMES PROBLEM SOLVED
[2025-01-25 01:45:57.794 UTC] envy_s: Copium
[2025-01-25 01:45:57.917 UTC] poppintofu: 1 at the time OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:45:58.141 UTC] colon: diminishedswag also it was public before sunday etc.
[2025-01-25 01:45:58.716 UTC] unrealphonkdev: AwShoot COOME<R
[2025-01-25 01:45:58.782 UTC] groot: PEPE imbalance
[2025-01-25 01:45:58.821 UTC] gamerblaster69: >we back in 2014 dgg now
[2025-01-25 01:45:59.169 UTC] musketeer: WooYeah
[2025-01-25 01:45:59.614 UTC] aerith: hesRight
[2025-01-25 01:45:59.626 UTC] figgles: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:45:59.890 UTC] sammyxe: metaloidsword MiyanoHype
[2025-01-25 01:45:59.895 UTC] doggo3: fucking fucking
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.005 UTC] tooth1ess: WooYeah fucking fucking
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.124 UTC] nerdfromhel: >when you fuck 0 people everyday DaFeels
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.168 UTC] taken4granted: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.784 UTC] karan: dancantstream pre-vyvanse era
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.882 UTC] w1deo: DONTSAYIT . o O ( GIGACHAD )
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.891 UTC] rguillebert: WooYeah WooYeah
[2025-01-25 01:46:00.990 UTC] galt: CHEMICAL CASTRATION ARC
[2025-01-25 01:46:01.150 UTC] r3ko: NO SEX FOR A YEAR
[2025-01-25 01:46:01.466 UTC] coiny: hesRight
[2025-01-25 01:46:01.800 UTC] chiron: NOOOO
[2025-01-25 01:46:01.885 UTC] lysergicacid: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:01.920 UTC] greenappies: House off the meds Aware
[2025-01-25 01:46:02.391 UTC] pooperscooper: hesRight
[2025-01-25 01:46:02.558 UTC] monkeyking15: Orgasm?
[2025-01-25 01:46:02.638 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:02.718 UTC] unrealphonkdev: Susge YES
[2025-01-25 01:46:03.174 UTC] chemlordthegreat: Doomah never, honey is the strongest dgger
[2025-01-25 01:46:03.744 UTC] drawas: DONTSAYIT
[2025-01-25 01:46:03.815 UTC] bahrrlives: > ONLY ONE OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:04.026 UTC] explodingcamera: Some chromosome imbalance
[2025-01-25 01:46:04.047 UTC] folieadude: he a freak NAHH
[2025-01-25 01:46:04.162 UTC] coolus_: was PEPE
[2025-01-25 01:46:04.354 UTC] datguykaide: NOOOO IM A GOONER
[2025-01-25 01:46:04.627 UTC] charms: YeeLaugh
[2025-01-25 01:46:05.132 UTC] rguillebert: WooYeah WooYeah fucking fucking
[2025-01-25 01:46:05.852 UTC] bunnypoker: poly is dumb, who could of guessed
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.182 UTC] keyfor3: monogomoids
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.189 UTC] chickenz: dancantstream we watched Shame, we know
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.337 UTC] existentialdread: Maybe fuck guys from now on, they are unhinged they don't care
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.397 UTC] tinted: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.409 UTC] bitgrease: WooYeah
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.570 UTC] envy_s: LMFAO WHAT
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.608 UTC] clout: Aware
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.712 UTC] w1deo: HUH ?
[2025-01-25 01:46:06.909 UTC] samlaw27: monogamy ECH
[2025-01-25 01:46:07.011 UTC] destiny: time to tweet edgy shit just to spite Dan
[2025-01-25 01:46:07.983 UTC] macrophage: bro can't even do that
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.079 UTC] doggo3: NAILS
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.743 UTC] elxa_dal: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.787 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: Here we go
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.856 UTC] tng69: Copium
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.913 UTC] metaloidsword: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:08.985 UTC] unrealphonkdev: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.022 UTC] everkeen: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.302 UTC] tooth1ess: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.319 UTC] tinted: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.401 UTC] yarz: NAHH
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.419 UTC] truthulhu: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.444 UTC] rguillebert: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.563 UTC] vertigo: he's got a fucking problem YEEHAW
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.570 UTC] chemlordthegreat: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.603 UTC] datguykaide: NAHH
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.668 UTC] samlaw27: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.756 UTC] crookster: NAHH
[2025-01-25 01:46:09.834 UTC] kaiser_bear: Dan's just jealous cause he.... can't get it up OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.001 UTC] herculius: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.009 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.063 UTC] trymme: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.072 UTC] pipi: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.085 UTC] apathylete: dancantstream a gooner support group (sex addict) might be good still
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.203 UTC] musketeer: NAHH
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.389 UTC] robbobthecorncob: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.437 UTC] sunkensubmarine: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.594 UTC] mattrix: GIGACHAD RapThis
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.656 UTC] gl0gul: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.756 UTC] picklesnathan: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.767 UTC] coiny: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.797 UTC] redhed: unironic sex addict
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.885 UTC] doggo3: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:10.920 UTC] tinted: GIGACHAD RapThis
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.175 UTC] darkchocolateoreo: >shame 2011 Aware
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.258 UTC] nerdfromhel: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.390 UTC] 5dforce: omw
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.475 UTC] godot: KEK
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.606 UTC] velhomer: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.682 UTC] w1deo: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.753 UTC] william_b: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.793 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.797 UTC] unrealphonkdev: OMEGALUL NO WAY
[2025-01-25 01:46:11.833 UTC] jackl: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-25 01:46:12.290 UTC] hugemichael: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-25 01:46:12.381 UTC] ivans_back: >we watched a mo0vei about this yesterday NODDERS