[2025-01-24 17:28:19.628 UTC] misterdn: JoffreySkywalker NAHH NAHH
[2025-01-24 17:28:24.164 UTC] everkeen: JollyExample40 he can be redeemed Abathur
[2025-01-24 17:28:25.039 UTC] misterbhole: JoffreySkywalker I wore my beanie to the grocery store GIGACHAD RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:28:26.746 UTC] dungus: JoffreySkywalker GIGACHAD
[2025-01-24 17:28:27.984 UTC] bot: π AbaW π
[2025-01-24 17:28:29.910 UTC] aufheben: Pizza no i just posted their last message and called it retarded MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:28:30.418 UTC] metaloidsword: PleiadesM45 MiyanoHype cutie hai hai MiyanoHype ComfPeek hoiw u doing TeddYEE ? MiyanoHype
[2025-01-24 17:28:34.453 UTC] samlaw27: > me knowing all the accounts destiny is banning will make alt accounts and will continue to be long time chatters FeelsOkayMan
[2025-01-24 17:28:35.764 UTC] misterdn: JoffreySkywalker you're talking about the game merch right NAHH
[2025-01-24 17:28:37.235 UTC] pizza: Aufheben Oh LUL
[2025-01-24 17:28:39.637 UTC] gringo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GiELcmKbUAA5-T1?format=jpg&name=large CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:28:39.952 UTC] previnity: yannis the new duders trying so hard to farm is kinda content tho. Its so obvious and silly, they kinda Cutestiny
[2025-01-24 17:28:42.559 UTC] dovitnir: yannis lurk X more years before posting DANKMEMES
[2025-01-24 17:28:47.436 UTC] aufheben: Pizza LUL
[2025-01-24 17:28:48.894 UTC] pleiadesm45: metaloidsword MiyanoHype MiyanoHype chillin TeddYEE hbu
[2025-01-24 17:28:49.014 UTC] tng69: LULW
[2025-01-24 17:28:50.077 UTC] incmeals: im just imagining him coming back first stream and doing the louie ck "how has YOUR month been" bit LUL
[2025-01-24 17:28:51.495 UTC] d4mterro: @Destiny did Aba try to get in contact with you? I hope that bridge doesnt burn
[2025-01-24 17:28:54.218 UTC] archer: Everkeen how the hell did you keep the same name in ur alt
[2025-01-24 17:28:56.925 UTC] damkus1: gringo CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:28:58.322 UTC] nieghsgarden: Pizza yo bro
[2025-01-24 17:28:58.815 UTC] bluelivingabandon: gringo CINEMA wtf
[2025-01-24 17:29:01.974 UTC] osurii: gringo OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:02.174 UTC] kaze_tachinu_: gringo wtf is that
[2025-01-24 17:29:02.477 UTC] metaloidsword: slowly but surely all the retards are being wittled out, some of them arent saying shit cus they dont wana get banned FerretLOL fucking pussies
[2025-01-24 17:29:05.116 UTC] glommer: JollyExample40 wore my dggl guy to the dentist today, the technician asked me what that was from and I told her "just some sexual deviant guy im a fan of"
[2025-01-24 17:29:07.437 UTC] pizza: NieghsGarden Yoo DankWave
[2025-01-24 17:29:09.163 UTC] meta: gringo well someone is not doing too well
[2025-01-24 17:29:11.081 UTC] zanyman: Destiny are you giving up on shaping the public perception around this? Your Opps are playing against an empty net.
[2025-01-24 17:29:11.208 UTC] coolmann: gringo CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:29:14.923 UTC] alcatraz: gringo Is that from Shaelin? OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:15.734 UTC] joffreyskywalker: MisterDN Wearing Destiny merch decreases your Norwood reaper rating by at least .5
[2025-01-24 17:29:19.141 UTC] everkeen: Archer what do you mean
[2025-01-24 17:29:20.240 UTC] nieghsgarden: yo pizza do you know if cake is in chat?
[2025-01-24 17:29:21.783 UTC] de_pressed: Hojack so is destiny so guilty that he can't say anything to defend himself or is he so autistic that he is jaded towards the whole thing? PepoThink
[2025-01-24 17:29:26.310 UTC] archer: Everkeen BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:29:30.080 UTC] pizza: NieghsGarden He's not
[2025-01-24 17:29:30.642 UTC] jollyexample40: glommer rip
[2025-01-24 17:29:32.741 UTC] pizza: JaydrVernanda dinkDonk
[2025-01-24 17:29:35.753 UTC] nieghsgarden: ok ty bro!
[2025-01-24 17:29:37.944 UTC] gringo: Its from mr girls gF OMEGALUL she is a talented artist LUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:38.159 UTC] kaze_tachinu_: de_pressed prob court shit
[2025-01-24 17:29:38.473 UTC] pengukeks: >mfw i left myself a small sip of coffee for later in my cup Memegasm
[2025-01-24 17:29:44.817 UTC] aufheben: https://imgur.com/a/ttMy84k this painting always makes me Aware chat
[2025-01-24 17:29:46.601 UTC] jollyexample40: NieghsGarden aintnofuckingwayyy OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:47.328 UTC] de_pressed: Kaze_Tachinu_ court i see PepoG
[2025-01-24 17:29:48.078 UTC] gringo: Alcatraz NODDERS
[2025-01-24 17:29:52.772 UTC] misterdn: JoffreySkywalker OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:54.206 UTC] jellyfish: Calrissian Landor
[2025-01-24 17:29:55.046 UTC] jollyexample40: NieghsGarden you're still here OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:29:55.254 UTC] destiny: !ipban de_pressed clinical
[2025-01-24 17:29:55.300 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned de_pressed
[2025-01-24 17:29:55.300 UTC] bot: de_pressed banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: clinical
[2025-01-24 17:29:58.126 UTC] tinted: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:29:58.805 UTC] chacha: Destiny first stream back CINEMA dont mention any drama just play league for 12 hours straight
[2025-01-24 17:30:01.080 UTC] meng: NieghsGarden what up big dawg BasedGod
[2025-01-24 17:30:02.716 UTC] manny: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:03.681 UTC] ferreday: de_pressed there's ongoing litigation, he's restricted in what he could say
[2025-01-24 17:30:04.428 UTC] kaze_tachinu_: HOLY
[2025-01-24 17:30:07.635 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:30:07.763 UTC] hojack: de_pressed damn i was in the middle of replying PepeHands
[2025-01-24 17:30:08.395 UTC] dungus: DuckerZ saw that coming
[2025-01-24 17:30:08.895 UTC] nieghsgarden: JollyExample40 i never left homie
[2025-01-24 17:30:10.066 UTC] wiryvideo94: actually, I'm on deorio twitter, i changed my mind
[2025-01-24 17:30:11.698 UTC] truenoise: Destiny stop NOOOO we are losing too many soliders
[2025-01-24 17:30:13.784 UTC] wiryvideo94: fuck that guy
[2025-01-24 17:30:14.867 UTC] padraigsd: temmieDank dggers
[2025-01-24 17:30:15.262 UTC] glommer: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:15.770 UTC] applepearvernanda: DuckerZ RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:30:16.302 UTC] misterbhole: that guy has been troubled for a long time
[2025-01-24 17:30:17.310 UTC] anewrat: de_pressed not 100% sure hardest part is wrapping the model in transformer.js after that it should be simple plug and play
[2025-01-24 17:30:18.924 UTC] misterbhole: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:30:19.621 UTC] aerith: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:19.884 UTC] x1ec0c: i liked that chatter FeelsBadMan
[2025-01-24 17:30:20.352 UTC] anewrat: NOOOO
[2025-01-24 17:30:20.746 UTC] nieghsgarden: Meng hey bro!
[2025-01-24 17:30:21.059 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:22.228 UTC] archer: did he say anythiing recently , gotta chehck his logs
[2025-01-24 17:30:23.475 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO RIPBOZO RIPBOZO RIPBOZO RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:27.098 UTC] glommer: WAIT HE WAS LURKING THIS WHOLE TIME monkaSMEGA
[2025-01-24 17:30:28.935 UTC] wiryvideo94: because they interpret everything in the workse way possible
[2025-01-24 17:30:32.178 UTC] aufheben: anewrat he banned bro LUL
[2025-01-24 17:30:34.188 UTC] misterbhole: Archer that guy always says the weirdest shit I have ever seen
[2025-01-24 17:30:34.727 UTC] metaloidsword: RIPBOZO all the retards who cant use their brain
[2025-01-24 17:30:35.457 UTC] toppotoner: glommer BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:30:36.398 UTC] jollyexample40: PaDrAiGsD RapThis temmieDank RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:30:38.225 UTC] misterbhole: de_pressed
[2025-01-24 17:30:38.939 UTC] phoebekat: glommer heβs always here NAILS
[2025-01-24 17:30:39.688 UTC] pleiadesm45: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:30:39.764 UTC] archer: MisterBhole RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:30:40.863 UTC] fish: anewrat DaFeels
[2025-01-24 17:30:41.136 UTC] ferreday: glommer he's always watching SHOOK
[2025-01-24 17:30:42.908 UTC] everkeen: Truenoise we have to cut the necrotic rot to advance NoTears
[2025-01-24 17:30:43.158 UTC] theamazingtiny: big brother is watching
[2025-01-24 17:30:43.399 UTC] misterbhole: meant to /stalk
[2025-01-24 17:30:44.071 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: Clueless hmmm today I will chat about the current drama!
[2025-01-24 17:30:44.424 UTC] misterbhole: temmieDank
[2025-01-24 17:30:45.666 UTC] zooooom: @destiny tsk tsk tsk FeelsWeirdMan im punishing you rn
[2025-01-24 17:30:45.736 UTC] o00overnanda: > β¨β¨β¨β¨
[2025-01-24 17:30:46.852 UTC] hohohaha: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:30:47.060 UTC] o00overnanda: > β¨β¨