[2025-01-24 17:24:07.117 UTC] misterbhole: Calcifer65 that's not democracy REE
[2025-01-24 17:24:08.363 UTC] archer: MisterBhole the only thing mid* temmieDank
[2025-01-24 17:24:09.557 UTC] calcifer65: MisterBhole thats fine VeryPog just don't call it mid
[2025-01-24 17:24:11.348 UTC] misterbhole: Calcifer65 no polls REE
[2025-01-24 17:24:12.904 UTC] jollyexample40: aus_bits SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:24:14.078 UTC] tinted: WWWWaiting
[2025-01-24 17:24:14.435 UTC] d4mterro: @Destiny sorry to spam but is august out of the orbit? I saw u banning binqilling and I was under the impression it was him?
[2025-01-24 17:24:16.150 UTC] kaze_tachinu_: thank god i delete nudes when i stop having relations with someone, or else i would be in troubleeeee
[2025-01-24 17:24:17.069 UTC] tena: > huge PepoTurkey in 1
[2025-01-24 17:24:17.476 UTC] tena: PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:20.261 UTC] x1ec0c: PepoThink
[2025-01-24 17:24:20.302 UTC] misterbhole: Calcifer65 I haven't seen it I'm sure it's good if this many people are saying it
[2025-01-24 17:24:20.795 UTC] anewrat: PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:20.941 UTC] tena: PepoTurkey Clap huge 1x
[2025-01-24 17:24:21.316 UTC] hillshire: SunkenSubmarine VeryPog my new go to streamer
[2025-01-24 17:24:22.734 UTC] xuciroair: Destiny IKneel
[2025-01-24 17:24:26.300 UTC] hojack: PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:27.139 UTC] misterbhole: Archer disgusting
[2025-01-24 17:24:27.221 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: PepoTurkey Clap
[2025-01-24 17:24:27.344 UTC] stonebark: WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:24:30.421 UTC] aufheben: PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:30.452 UTC] calcifer65: MisterBhole its pretty good VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:24:32.858 UTC] tinted: WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:24:34.271 UTC] sunkensubmarine: VeryPog Hillshire
[2025-01-24 17:24:34.291 UTC] jackl: d4mterro OMEGALUL he just posted the emote BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:24:34.466 UTC] calcifer65: PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:40.114 UTC] aufheben: tena PepoTurkey
[2025-01-24 17:24:41.273 UTC] fish: lanxiee oh yeah its completely irrelevant to the bigger issue just a point
[2025-01-24 17:24:42.288 UTC] tinted: WEOW you are my sunshine
[2025-01-24 17:24:45.276 UTC] misterbhole: WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:24:46.260 UTC] archer: what Calcifer65 said hesRight MisterBhole
[2025-01-24 17:24:48.060 UTC] toppotoner: d4mterro August is August temmieDank
[2025-01-24 17:24:53.108 UTC] leosaunders: lawless person. oh no
[2025-01-24 17:24:57.160 UTC] stonebark: see WEOW post WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:24:57.756 UTC] previnity: MisterBhole its good for star wars, but I dont get all the hype for what it is on its face. Like its mid+star wars
[2025-01-24 17:25:03.966 UTC] dungus: WEOW RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:25:06.298 UTC] abaarking: MLADY
[2025-01-24 17:25:08.571 UTC] d4mterro: @toppotoner aa ok, cuz august had that name on his twitter and i stumbled upon it
[2025-01-24 17:25:09.691 UTC] leosaunders: off the rails OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:25:11.433 UTC] de_pressed: anewrat do you have clear setup in your mind? are you still looking for ways/tools to use right now? PepoThink
[2025-01-24 17:25:15.292 UTC] calcifer65: Previnity wrong MMMM its pretty good + star wars
[2025-01-24 17:25:17.988 UTC] toppotoner: d4mterro BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:25:18.951 UTC] misterbhole: Previnity I'll probably never commit time to it unless I'm like, really reaching for something t owatch
[2025-01-24 17:25:21.706 UTC] aufheben: > VeryPog in 5
[2025-01-24 17:25:23.825 UTC] misterbhole: Previnity there's so much good shit it's endless
[2025-01-24 17:25:27.756 UTC] _debatehitler: LUL
[2025-01-24 17:25:28.060 UTC] xuciroair: Hojack And so, there are no receipts?
[2025-01-24 17:25:28.927 UTC] lanxiee: fish its just pure obfuscation even talking about the leak, hasan tier deflection really
[2025-01-24 17:25:32.825 UTC] aufheben: > VeryPog in 4
[2025-01-24 17:25:35.972 UTC] tinted: VeryPog LOAD
[2025-01-24 17:25:36.757 UTC] destiny: !ipban lanxiee retard
[2025-01-24 17:25:36.803 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned lanxiee
[2025-01-24 17:25:36.803 UTC] bot: lanxiee banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: retard
[2025-01-24 17:25:37.898 UTC] misterdn: !ip lanxiee
[2025-01-24 17:25:39.547 UTC] misterdn: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:25:42.161 UTC] aufheben: > VeryPog in 3
[2025-01-24 17:25:46.074 UTC] misterbhole: August SOTRIGGERED release the Israel content
[2025-01-24 17:25:48.052 UTC] aufheben: > VeryPog in 2
[2025-01-24 17:25:50.251 UTC] fish: NAILS
[2025-01-24 17:25:51.345 UTC] previnity: Calcifer65 Ill give ya pretty good + star wars dggL
[2025-01-24 17:25:54.318 UTC] aufheben: > VeryPog in 1
[2025-01-24 17:25:54.967 UTC] tinted: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:25:55.304 UTC] aufheben: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:25:58.272 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:25:58.486 UTC] palette: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:25:59.697 UTC] everkeen: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:00.142 UTC] datguykaide: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:00.580 UTC] fish: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:01.142 UTC] dungus: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:03.418 UTC] ashgaar: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:03.461 UTC] jackl: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:03.519 UTC] zilkata: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:04.559 UTC] o00overnanda: WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:26:04.733 UTC] anewrat: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:05.294 UTC] tinted: Slugstiny
[2025-01-24 17:26:05.518 UTC] misterdn: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:06.075 UTC] lv1fishy: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:06.137 UTC] chacha: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:06.184 UTC] aufheben: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:07.526 UTC] jackl: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:08.301 UTC] dungus: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:08.552 UTC] tinted: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:08.552 UTC] jollyexample40: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:09.381 UTC] fish: VeryPog ban protection emote
[2025-01-24 17:26:10.850 UTC] cris: Slugstiny
[2025-01-24 17:26:11.853 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: VeryPog Clap
[2025-01-24 17:26:12.775 UTC] ashgaar: WEOW
[2025-01-24 17:26:13.129 UTC] chacha: aeugh VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:14.021 UTC] toppotoner: SWEEPING the bans away SWEEPING
[2025-01-24 17:26:15.909 UTC] anewrat: de_pressed setup for what VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:19.721 UTC] tinted: VeryPog aeugh
[2025-01-24 17:26:22.533 UTC] calcifer65: Destiny u should give me mod powers but only to ban alts of that jeepers guy you keep having to ban VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:23.576 UTC] hugemichael: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:26:25.019 UTC] hojack: Xuciroair I'll go back thru jstalker vod when im done w work NODDERS
[2025-01-24 17:26:25.026 UTC] destiny: !ipban lanxieee
[2025-01-24 17:26:25.080 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned lanxieee
[2025-01-24 17:26:25.081 UTC] bot: lanxieee banned through bot by Destiny.
[2025-01-24 17:26:25.437 UTC] aboycalledsue: Destiny what kind of dog are you getting
[2025-01-24 17:26:28.531 UTC] flashbang: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:26:29.735 UTC] tinted: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:26:29.765 UTC] hojack: Calcifer65 OMEGALUL