[2025-01-24 17:20:33.709 UTC] coolmann: RapThis DuckerZ RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:20:35.071 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: temmieDank 7
[2025-01-24 17:20:35.223 UTC] de_pressed: anewrat you can do it FeelsStrongMan
[2025-01-24 17:20:36.767 UTC] dungus: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:37.027 UTC] nelude: SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:20:39.677 UTC] appolez: hi Destiny :^)
[2025-01-24 17:20:41.195 UTC] elwegrz6: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.035 UTC] destiny: !ipban Toastmaster also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.081 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned toastmaster
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.081 UTC] bot: toastmaster banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.518 UTC] raggedtrick50: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:20:44.560 UTC] splugeman: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:49.608 UTC] sunkensubmarine: ✨ load
[2025-01-24 17:20:53.845 UTC] archer: bricked Concerned
[2025-01-24 17:20:54.298 UTC] wiryvideo94: loooooooooool
[2025-01-24 17:20:57.339 UTC] aizak: SunkenSubmarine i retract my previous statement SWEATSTINY
[2025-01-24 17:20:57.424 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:20:58.378 UTC] tinted: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.116 UTC] anewrat: SWEATSTINY he is making a list
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.327 UTC] alcatraz: Stare
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.906 UTC] ononokiyotsugi_: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.945 UTC] dr_beezus: nathanOOO GET DOWN
[2025-01-24 17:21:00.210 UTC] toppotoner: ok but what the fuck was that analogy, isn't it more like you'd be showing the nuclear codes to someone? LUL
[2025-01-24 17:21:01.439 UTC] crazymajor: BINGQILIN Nothing happened
[2025-01-24 17:21:03.371 UTC] colon: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:03.852 UTC] everkeen: >stream starts, Season 6 opening intro of House plays CINEMA LET IT HAPPEN Abathur
[2025-01-24 17:21:05.500 UTC] splugeman: OOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:09.155 UTC] aufheben: Everkeen true that would require some semblance of bipartisanship LULW
[2025-01-24 17:21:09.898 UTC] fish: i had a reponse typed
[2025-01-24 17:21:10.564 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.647 UTC] de_pressed: anewrat you just need to draw some graphs and line out what does what and ez
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.935 UTC] fish: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.975 UTC] abiggerfish: Stare this is just like Andor
[2025-01-24 17:21:13.918 UTC] dovitnir: nathanOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:16.073 UTC] bluelivingabandon: HUH
[2025-01-24 17:21:16.601 UTC] o00overnanda: > sO STREAMING TODAY Destiny Hmmm
[2025-01-24 17:21:19.866 UTC] hojack: Destiny is it true that you knew her boyfriend (fuentes fan) also had access to the acc that you sent all the porn to PepoG when did you start believing it was a hack and not just him?
[2025-01-24 17:21:20.764 UTC] palette: ABiggerFish CHILLS
[2025-01-24 17:21:20.905 UTC] algren_: average dorset resident
[2025-01-24 17:21:24.855 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: BINGQILIN !
[2025-01-24 17:21:24.912 UTC] jellyfish: Destiny Watch Andor with us Stare
[2025-01-24 17:21:25.695 UTC] o00overnanda: > Destiny CHATS NEEDS TO KNOW REE
[2025-01-24 17:21:27.764 UTC] stonebark: BINGQILIN So everyone enjoying Andor?
[2025-01-24 17:21:32.042 UTC] lanxiee: Hojack o7
[2025-01-24 17:21:34.294 UTC] misterbhole: Stonebark no I hate this shit
[2025-01-24 17:21:34.446 UTC] fish: !ip Hojack retard
[2025-01-24 17:21:37.554 UTC] palmoleum: Everkeen Mouton comes back and starts rapping CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:21:37.710 UTC] pengukeks: O00Overnanda #myfreecams/O00Overnandasmom
[2025-01-24 17:21:38.954 UTC] everkeen: Aufheben bro, 75% is an impossible threshold currently, I think we have a better chance of seeing god LUL
[2025-01-24 17:21:42.788 UTC] aufheben: SOY DESTINY ANSWER MY QUESTION PLEAAASEEEE
[2025-01-24 17:21:43.419 UTC] destiny: Hojack I never knew anyone else ever had access to that account, ever, like 99% of what people are saying about this is wrong/retarded
[2025-01-24 17:21:43.557 UTC] gadd_: FishMods
[2025-01-24 17:21:44.057 UTC] calcifer65: fish NOOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.407 UTC] toppotoner: Destiny did you still have the convo with the tax dude? was looking forward to that MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.584 UTC] hoiva: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.952 UTC] wiryvideo94: Destiny yeah dude just watch the show and ban some fools
[2025-01-24 17:21:47.331 UTC] misterdn: !ip fish for not VeryPog ing
[2025-01-24 17:21:49.540 UTC] everkeen: Palmoleum CINEMA holy
[2025-01-24 17:21:50.389 UTC] tonka: anyone knows when he will stream again?
[2025-01-24 17:21:54.943 UTC] gloomycr: Destiny how many pages of manifesto so far? MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:21:56.063 UTC] fish: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:22:00.422 UTC] nikolaus: monkaSMEGA ✨
[2025-01-24 17:22:00.727 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:22:06.110 UTC] fish: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL 70% of chat is new accounts OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:06.893 UTC] colon: Destiny okay but why trust her
[2025-01-24 17:22:08.212 UTC] misterdn: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:22:08.517 UTC] oniontomatogyro: why did this turtle nigga rope these guys
[2025-01-24 17:22:12.232 UTC] yannis: @Hojack bro readin the farms NAHH
[2025-01-24 17:22:12.352 UTC] destiny: also actually, I don't think anyone had access to that account
[2025-01-24 17:22:12.400 UTC] dovitnir: GloomyCR i don't think he's writing one MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:22:13.490 UTC] everkeen: Tonka before the 1st of feb Shrugstiny
[2025-01-24 17:22:15.573 UTC] jollyexample40: fish WarmWaterPort Chatting
[2025-01-24 17:22:15.602 UTC] hojack: Destiny you knew he filmed porn for her, that she went on to send to u? PepoG
[2025-01-24 17:22:16.141 UTC] flashbang: Destiny people speculating like always OhBrother
[2025-01-24 17:22:16.264 UTC] destiny: pretty sure he gained access later
[2025-01-24 17:22:16.458 UTC] og_mudbone69: Destiny i dont know if its okay for me to ask questions but fuck it MMMM did the girl leak it or did she get hacked?
[2025-01-24 17:22:17.936 UTC] sunkensubmarine: GloomyCR OMEGALUL bro this is legal trouble now, not just drama
[2025-01-24 17:22:19.673 UTC] de_pressed: oh looks like there WILL be manifesto soon :O
[2025-01-24 17:22:27.809 UTC] aufheben: Everkeen NODDERS
[2025-01-24 17:22:28.299 UTC] anewrat: de_pressed i need a community VeryPog if i cant focust for 30 days i think i can score a really kino job VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:22:28.598 UTC] keikaku: GIGACHAD
[2025-01-24 17:22:29.345 UTC] cris: Stare
[2025-01-24 17:22:29.683 UTC] lanxiee: why would anyone having access to the account make a difference though OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:30.080 UTC] leosaunders: WHY AREN'T THESE PHAT LAZY FUCKS ASSEMBLING. they seem like able dudes
[2025-01-24 17:22:37.386 UTC] palette: Destiny I have to say, I didn't think you could 1 up the Jordan Peterson debate fakeout before the Keffals manifesto. This Hasan Manifesto's gonna be fucking crazy, I can't wait for Feb 1st
[2025-01-24 17:22:43.952 UTC] calcifer65: this is why you should use snapchat instead of discord OhKrappa
[2025-01-24 17:22:44.339 UTC] pleiadesm45: Palette OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:46.504 UTC] pengukeks: /me accesses Destiny s backend.
[2025-01-24 17:22:46.513 UTC] alcatraz: Palette CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:22:46.580 UTC] anewrat: de_pressed for some reason i keep typing cant instead of can VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:22:47.274 UTC] dungus: Palette OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:49.046 UTC] hojack: @yannis i will drag u down with me rn motherfucker OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:50.342 UTC] gloomycr: SunkenSubmarine just cowrite it with a lawyer bro
[2025-01-24 17:22:51.280 UTC] wiryvideo94: sheeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
[2025-01-24 17:22:53.398 UTC] bjorn: Palette OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:55.647 UTC] misterdn: Palette dog SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:22:56.019 UTC] raggedtrick50: Destiny are you actually doing any work or do you think this break is good for your career/lawsuit
[2025-01-24 17:22:57.755 UTC] gadd_: FeelsOkayMan friendly folk eh
[2025-01-24 17:22:58.937 UTC] damkus1: Palette NAHH
[2025-01-24 17:22:59.124 UTC] hojack: @yannis literally dont start OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:22:59.996 UTC] fish: lanxiee if we are taking pgp emails or something secure but discord NAHH