[2025-01-24 17:19:51.029 UTC] denslemmepade: i didnt see the first 11 episodes can we rewatch?
[2025-01-24 17:19:52.286 UTC] misterdn: SunkenSubmarine new fans Clueless WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE BECOME A FAN AT THIS TIME NAHH NAHH
[2025-01-24 17:19:54.114 UTC] aizak: SunkenSubmarine i dont think you get banned for shit talking, Im still alive NAILS
[2025-01-24 17:19:54.629 UTC] anewrat: de_pressed i'll be consistent Clueless this time Clueless
[2025-01-24 17:19:55.552 UTC] stonebark: Milkerino
[2025-01-24 17:19:56.118 UTC] lanxiee: watching andor when we could watch jedi duel compliations for 8 hours pepeW
[2025-01-24 17:19:56.443 UTC] x1ec0c: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:19:56.746 UTC] jetfission: god damn
[2025-01-24 17:19:56.812 UTC] jollyexample40: SunkenSubmarine probably a few but as long as they're not being unhinged seems fine MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:19:57.555 UTC] og_mudbone69: > MisterBhole WWWWaiting If I told you you were beautiful Would you date me on the regular? (Tell me, would you?)
[2025-01-24 17:19:57.640 UTC] lune: Xuciroair my argument is that sharing compromising material with people that you barely know is grossly negligent, and leaving that material available for them to do whatever they want with shows that he at the very least does not care what happens with the material. this is not the same as showing a nude on your phone to a friend, this is the equivalent of mailing out the US nuclear codes to a couple foreign powers and hoping it leads to nothing.
[2025-01-24 17:19:57.927 UTC] oljalyn: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 17:19:58.682 UTC] keikaku: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:19:59.202 UTC] previnity: Hhhehhehe
[2025-01-24 17:20:00.523 UTC] abaarking: Aufheben these retards scream about how America will fall just like rome but can't see that they are doing the same norm and rule breaking the Caesar was doing at the end of the republic PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 17:20:01.891 UTC] pinecone_warrior: GOONED
[2025-01-24 17:20:03.548 UTC] _debatehitler: LUL
[2025-01-24 17:20:04.250 UTC] anomaluna: ECH
[2025-01-24 17:20:05.540 UTC] stonebark: Milkerino Cum nets
[2025-01-24 17:20:06.082 UTC] bitgrease: yoink WORTH
[2025-01-24 17:20:06.252 UTC] misterdn: VeryPog
[2025-01-24 17:20:07.145 UTC] watchinyoback: Xuciroair 19 year old e-girl = safe?
[2025-01-24 17:20:08.173 UTC] misterdn: VeryPog Chatting
[2025-01-24 17:20:10.857 UTC] raggedtrick50: Lune Askers
[2025-01-24 17:20:12.810 UTC] aufheben: ABaarking hesRight
[2025-01-24 17:20:12.815 UTC] destiny: !ipban lune retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:12.861 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned lune
[2025-01-24 17:20:12.862 UTC] bot: lune banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:14.723 UTC] og_mudbone69: > MisterBhole WWWWaiting Well, baby, I've been around the world But I ain't seen myself another girl (Like you)
[2025-01-24 17:20:15.509 UTC] misterbhole: OG_Mudbone69 catJAM
[2025-01-24 17:20:15.768 UTC] sunkensubmarine: MisterDN Concerned maybe theyre GRUG
[2025-01-24 17:20:16.522 UTC] misterbhole: NAILS
[2025-01-24 17:20:20.013 UTC] stonebark: NAILS
[2025-01-24 17:20:20.505 UTC] destiny: !ipban Watchinyoback also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:20.551 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned watchinyoback
[2025-01-24 17:20:20.551 UTC] bot: watchinyoback banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:20.994 UTC] everkeen: Aufheben we are never seeing another amendment pass in our lifetimes Aware
[2025-01-24 17:20:24.493 UTC] tinted: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:24.933 UTC] abaarking: DuckerZ DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:25.525 UTC] og_mudbone69: monkaS
[2025-01-24 17:20:28.046 UTC] datguykaide: SWEATSTINY
[2025-01-24 17:20:31.370 UTC] toastmaster: Xuciroair casual SWEEPING he literally sent it to a RANDOM person he's never met before. you saying that privacy should still be expected is a fucking joke
[2025-01-24 17:20:33.709 UTC] coolmann: RapThis DuckerZ RapThis
[2025-01-24 17:20:35.071 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: temmieDank 7
[2025-01-24 17:20:35.223 UTC] de_pressed: anewrat you can do it FeelsStrongMan
[2025-01-24 17:20:36.767 UTC] dungus: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:37.027 UTC] nelude: SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:20:39.677 UTC] appolez: hi Destiny :^)
[2025-01-24 17:20:41.195 UTC] elwegrz6: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.035 UTC] destiny: !ipban Toastmaster also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.081 UTC] @moderation: Bot banned toastmaster
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.081 UTC] bot: toastmaster banned through bot by Destiny. Reason: also retard
[2025-01-24 17:20:43.518 UTC] raggedtrick50: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:20:44.560 UTC] splugeman: DuckerZ
[2025-01-24 17:20:49.608 UTC] sunkensubmarine: ✨ load
[2025-01-24 17:20:53.845 UTC] archer: bricked Concerned
[2025-01-24 17:20:54.298 UTC] wiryvideo94: loooooooooool
[2025-01-24 17:20:57.339 UTC] aizak: SunkenSubmarine i retract my previous statement SWEATSTINY
[2025-01-24 17:20:57.424 UTC] w3owlivesmatter: SALUTE
[2025-01-24 17:20:58.378 UTC] tinted: RIPBOZO
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.116 UTC] anewrat: SWEATSTINY he is making a list
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.327 UTC] alcatraz: Stare
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.906 UTC] ononokiyotsugi_: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:20:59.945 UTC] dr_beezus: nathanOOO GET DOWN
[2025-01-24 17:21:00.210 UTC] toppotoner: ok but what the fuck was that analogy, isn't it more like you'd be showing the nuclear codes to someone? LUL
[2025-01-24 17:21:01.439 UTC] crazymajor: BINGQILIN Nothing happened
[2025-01-24 17:21:03.371 UTC] colon: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:03.852 UTC] everkeen: >stream starts, Season 6 opening intro of House plays CINEMA LET IT HAPPEN Abathur
[2025-01-24 17:21:05.500 UTC] splugeman: OOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:09.155 UTC] aufheben: Everkeen true that would require some semblance of bipartisanship LULW
[2025-01-24 17:21:09.898 UTC] fish: i had a reponse typed
[2025-01-24 17:21:10.564 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.647 UTC] de_pressed: anewrat you just need to draw some graphs and line out what does what and ez
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.935 UTC] fish: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 17:21:11.975 UTC] abiggerfish: Stare this is just like Andor
[2025-01-24 17:21:13.918 UTC] dovitnir: nathanOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:16.073 UTC] bluelivingabandon: HUH
[2025-01-24 17:21:16.601 UTC] o00overnanda: > sO STREAMING TODAY Destiny Hmmm
[2025-01-24 17:21:19.866 UTC] hojack: Destiny is it true that you knew her boyfriend (fuentes fan) also had access to the acc that you sent all the porn to PepoG when did you start believing it was a hack and not just him?
[2025-01-24 17:21:20.764 UTC] palette: ABiggerFish CHILLS
[2025-01-24 17:21:20.905 UTC] algren_: average dorset resident
[2025-01-24 17:21:24.855 UTC] anonymous_nobody_: BINGQILIN !
[2025-01-24 17:21:24.912 UTC] jellyfish: Destiny Watch Andor with us Stare
[2025-01-24 17:21:25.695 UTC] o00overnanda: > Destiny CHATS NEEDS TO KNOW REE
[2025-01-24 17:21:27.764 UTC] stonebark: BINGQILIN So everyone enjoying Andor?
[2025-01-24 17:21:32.042 UTC] lanxiee: Hojack o7
[2025-01-24 17:21:34.294 UTC] misterbhole: Stonebark no I hate this shit
[2025-01-24 17:21:34.446 UTC] fish: !ip Hojack retard
[2025-01-24 17:21:37.554 UTC] palmoleum: Everkeen Mouton comes back and starts rapping CINEMA
[2025-01-24 17:21:37.710 UTC] pengukeks: O00Overnanda #myfreecams/O00Overnandasmom
[2025-01-24 17:21:38.954 UTC] everkeen: Aufheben bro, 75% is an impossible threshold currently, I think we have a better chance of seeing god LUL
[2025-01-24 17:21:42.788 UTC] aufheben: SOY DESTINY ANSWER MY QUESTION PLEAAASEEEE
[2025-01-24 17:21:43.419 UTC] destiny: Hojack I never knew anyone else ever had access to that account, ever, like 99% of what people are saying about this is wrong/retarded
[2025-01-24 17:21:43.557 UTC] gadd_: FishMods
[2025-01-24 17:21:44.057 UTC] calcifer65: fish NOOOO
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.407 UTC] toppotoner: Destiny did you still have the convo with the tax dude? was looking forward to that MMMM
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.584 UTC] hoiva: BINGQILIN
[2025-01-24 17:21:45.952 UTC] wiryvideo94: Destiny yeah dude just watch the show and ban some fools
[2025-01-24 17:21:47.331 UTC] misterdn: !ip fish for not VeryPog ing
[2025-01-24 17:21:49.540 UTC] everkeen: Palmoleum CINEMA holy