[2025-01-24 00:35:08.777 UTC] catsparks: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 00:35:09.959 UTC] ferreday: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:10.271 UTC] ratatouille: >GUYS WHERE'S THE MOVIE??? Askers
[2025-01-24 00:35:11.043 UTC] chickenz: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 00:35:11.375 UTC] samlaw27: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:35:11.615 UTC] gurtyobain: SoyPoint one ball man
[2025-01-24 00:35:11.682 UTC] tooth1ess: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:11.967 UTC] catsparks: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:12.098 UTC] infuriatinglyopaque: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:12.813 UTC] _obamna: LULW abo'o'o'wa'ah LULW
[2025-01-24 00:35:13.307 UTC] hattybin: SoyPoint bike rider
[2025-01-24 00:35:14.257 UTC] kanchan: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:15.664 UTC] samlaw27: Aware Aware Aware
[2025-01-24 00:35:15.766 UTC] aerith: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:35:16.025 UTC] banang: OMEGALUL oh thats who it is
[2025-01-24 00:35:16.485 UTC] fajosu: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:35:17.282 UTC] pyrochrome: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 00:35:17.482 UTC] thestrangesalt: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:35:17.531 UTC] pherret: Slugstiny so did hitler
[2025-01-24 00:35:19.683 UTC] tooth1ess: SoyPoint USED PEDS
[2025-01-24 00:35:20.256 UTC] slaunt: Bluelivingabandon you gotta admit he fucking THREW his arm out though, it wasnt like a graceful "my heart goes out to you" he winds up and throws that mf out, you cannot blame people for taking that as him trying to appease his gropyer x base.
[2025-01-24 00:35:20.642 UTC] big_mad: #twitch/doctorhemyradley HAUS new team arc starting LUPUS
[2025-01-24 00:35:21.272 UTC] tastygravel: SoyPoint He only has 1 ball
[2025-01-24 00:35:21.338 UTC] husky: ! FerretLOL Hojack
[2025-01-24 00:35:21.339 UTC] k1ngkoala: PepeLaugh
[2025-01-24 00:35:21.392 UTC] randomferret: FerretLOL https://polecat.me/ferrets/1rvbybqadex11.jpg FerretLOL
[2025-01-24 00:35:22.956 UTC] akeninc: absolute dogshit CINEMA
[2025-01-24 00:35:22.992 UTC] myenn: if the australian defence force gives me one more ad telling me to join when they literally denied my application i'm going to become the joke YouWouldntGetIt
[2025-01-24 00:35:23.089 UTC] creamonmushroom: Ratatouille https://strims.gg/drt0
[2025-01-24 00:35:23.537 UTC] gumbyman: why ius Bluelivingabandon just out here sweepin for elon "hitler" musk?
[2025-01-24 00:35:23.649 UTC] dannysartproject: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:35:23.730 UTC] tolstroy: SoyPoint epo guy
[2025-01-24 00:35:24.164 UTC] pherret: SlugChrist ^
[2025-01-24 00:35:24.259 UTC] catsparks: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:35:24.683 UTC] aerith: > SoyPoint he dodged one his own balls
[2025-01-24 00:35:25.919 UTC] dylangames: moon guy SoyPoint Clueless
[2025-01-24 00:36:01.712 UTC] bluelivingabandon: OrangeClementine i dont care about the virtue signalling though, im saying my true beliefs, that he didnt intend to do the salute most likely temmieDank those are my genuine thoughts. if i cared about virtue signalling or being bad faith id probably be saying exactly as you though
[2025-01-24 00:36:02.457 UTC] buchmann00: drt0 hesRight
[2025-01-24 00:36:02.815 UTC] tooth1ess: Pointless
[2025-01-24 00:36:02.858 UTC] iamwalnuts: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:03.692 UTC] ferreday: this scene is even better now
[2025-01-24 00:36:03.777 UTC] catsparks: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-24 00:36:03.844 UTC] witness: oh that was the last movie OhKrappa
[2025-01-24 00:36:05.063 UTC] aerith: Pointless
[2025-01-24 00:36:06.446 UTC] dylangames: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:07.192 UTC] pipi: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-24 00:36:07.627 UTC] fajosu: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:36:08.172 UTC] infuriatinglyopaque: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:08.176 UTC] tooth1ess: Lonely
[2025-01-24 00:36:09.149 UTC] destiny: Gen Z will say they want to save money but won’t even consider this https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEczOYnvJ45/?igsh=MjlxODFvaGk0emgy
[2025-01-24 00:36:09.356 UTC] l3vvvvvv: AWAWA
[2025-01-24 00:36:10.005 UTC] aerith: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:36:13.046 UTC] l3vvvvvv: Aware * FUCK
[2025-01-24 00:36:15.981 UTC] pyrochrome: Pointless
[2025-01-24 00:36:21.332 UTC] puffypuffypuffy: he was ONLY 32 when filming this? god damn Lance
[2025-01-24 00:36:22.642 UTC] slugchrist: haHAA
[2025-01-24 00:36:24.037 UTC] catsparks: Destiny Concerned
[2025-01-24 00:36:26.687 UTC] _obamna: SWEEPING
[2025-01-24 00:36:27.598 UTC] oberhasligoat: D:
[2025-01-24 00:36:31.946 UTC] tooth1ess: Destiny ECH
[2025-01-24 00:36:32.166 UTC] witness: Destiny Disgustiny
[2025-01-24 00:36:32.453 UTC] big_mad: RiN_LuX do you mean that the embed wasnt just video? MMMM idk what you were talking about previously MMMM
[2025-01-24 00:36:32.696 UTC] ocho: SNIFFA
[2025-01-24 00:36:33.436 UTC] fajosu: Destiny i'm gonna hurl
[2025-01-24 00:36:33.440 UTC] dylangames: destiny hesRight
[2025-01-24 00:36:34.346 UTC] basicdude: Bro ew
[2025-01-24 00:36:36.367 UTC] fish: the reels pipeline got him Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:36.589 UTC] collectivespace: destiny Concerned
[2025-01-24 00:36:36.972 UTC] mcgnarley99: @ilovebunny_69 What did rele do?
[2025-01-24 00:36:37.360 UTC] aerith: > next chatter 4 down is a red name
[2025-01-24 00:36:37.373 UTC] catsparks: SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:36:39.008 UTC] chickenz: WHO PAYS 465 DOLLARS A MONTH FOR TOILET PAPER ?
[2025-01-24 00:36:39.231 UTC] fish: its over Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:39.503 UTC] dungus: destiny ECH
[2025-01-24 00:36:39.511 UTC] balldog: Destiny ECH
[2025-01-24 00:36:39.716 UTC] witness: no
[2025-01-24 00:36:40.071 UTC] mattrix: YESSSSSSSSS I LOVE NO VOLUME SLIDER ON INSTAGRAM FUCK YESSSSSS OverRustle OverRustle OverRustle OverRustle
[2025-01-24 00:36:41.298 UTC] yahweh: id let my homies share my poop cloth
[2025-01-24 00:36:42.569 UTC] l3vvvvvv: Destiny utterly foul
[2025-01-24 00:36:43.100 UTC] dannysartproject: destiny wtf OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:36:43.517 UTC] bluelivingabandon: slaunt elon does jerky movements in front of crowds yes. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/10/07/multimedia/07MUSK-JUMP-hpqj/07MUSK-JUMP-hpqj-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp
[2025-01-24 00:36:43.899 UTC] aerith: GameOfThrows
[2025-01-24 00:36:44.224 UTC] catsparks: >CAPTAIN KIRK SoyPoint >CAPTAIN KIRK SoyPoint >CAPTAIN KIRK SoyPoint
[2025-01-24 00:36:45.117 UTC] ferreday: Destiny 500 dollars of TP per month OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:36:47.920 UTC] abudhabbi: destiny she showed the stain OMEGALUL
[2025-01-24 00:36:48.605 UTC] elundis_core: chickenz That's erasure of the greatest period in the history of sports, the 80s Shroomstiny RapThis
[2025-01-24 00:36:49.727 UTC] ilovebunny_69: mcgnarley99 https://x.com/AEgonCholakian/status/1882461217996066913 lol
[2025-01-24 00:36:54.255 UTC] tooth1ess: Aware
[2025-01-24 00:36:56.333 UTC] johnhentai: posts that disgusting shit and fucking leaves NAHH
[2025-01-24 00:36:57.774 UTC] akeninc: Destiny thats pretty gross
[2025-01-24 00:36:58.333 UTC] misterbhole: Destiny sniffa
[2025-01-24 00:36:59.250 UTC] trollor: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/rush-for-preterm-babies-to-beat-birthright-citizenship-deadline/articleshow/117470382.cms this is fucked Aware
[2025-01-24 00:37:01.270 UTC] typez: NOOOO
[2025-01-24 00:37:02.116 UTC] damon: IG no longer woke and no we have that shit on TL NAHH
[2025-01-24 00:37:03.061 UTC] dungus: JohnHentai GIGACHAD RapThis
[2025-01-24 00:37:03.069 UTC] arcoblue: Depresstiny
[2025-01-24 00:37:04.380 UTC] poopyass: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-24 00:37:04.608 UTC] fajosu: NOOOO
[2025-01-24 00:37:04.806 UTC] dsz: DANKMEMES
[2025-01-24 00:37:04.919 UTC] tooth1ess: DANKMEMES