[2025-01-23 23:01:24.355 UTC] torrniquet: Kelly_jean MASK OFF MOMENT OMEGALUL HUH NAHH https://imgur.com/a/7Oq4wSa
[2025-01-23 23:01:25.346 UTC] damon: RightToBearArmsLOL yeah that rings a bell YeeLaugh
[2025-01-23 23:01:25.870 UTC] witness: Destiny LULW
[2025-01-23 23:01:28.689 UTC] rooitier: WEOW
[2025-01-23 23:01:29.760 UTC] figgles: Destiny CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:29.963 UTC] alembic: Destiny DankWave
[2025-01-23 23:01:30.824 UTC] b17: i know jew satalker fat
[2025-01-23 23:01:30.898 UTC] renz: WhoahDude
[2025-01-23 23:01:31.913 UTC] shrek2: WEOW
[2025-01-23 23:01:33.903 UTC] ballspeepoocum: Destiny OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:01:34.538 UTC] monokle: Destiny CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:35.368 UTC] paretooptimal: Destiny CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:35.461 UTC] cyanoperator: Destiny DankWave
[2025-01-23 23:01:35.531 UTC] gamerblaster69: >darius wont click this FeelsWeirdMan https://www.reddit.com/r/Daliban/comments/1i8e7js/i_regret_making_this_enjoy/
[2025-01-23 23:01:37.208 UTC] monokle: Destiny CINEMA oh my
[2025-01-23 23:01:37.668 UTC] k1ngkoala: Destiny but jstlk really cares about this Destiny BibleThump
[2025-01-23 23:01:37.712 UTC] righttobeararmslol: Maybe jstlk would have a problem with her too if he knew, o wait nah then he has nobody to stream with
[2025-01-23 23:01:38.213 UTC] aus_bits: Destiny Stare
[2025-01-23 23:01:38.602 UTC] catsparks: >LORE BOMB CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:40.468 UTC] witness: drt0 dinkDonk MOVIE TIME
[2025-01-23 23:01:41.179 UTC] figgles: Destiny shes going live soon CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:41.527 UTC] fjetanslives: Destiny LULW
[2025-01-23 23:01:43.998 UTC] stiflingsun: Torrniquet VeryPog wow
[2025-01-23 23:01:44.014 UTC] godot: KEK
[2025-01-23 23:01:45.163 UTC] witness: CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:45.748 UTC] catsparks: RightToBearArmsLOL DuckerZ
[2025-01-23 23:01:45.941 UTC] locknoxx: Torrniquet no shot that's real OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:01:45.993 UTC] kuki: Destiny LULW BUT IT'S FUNNY WHEN LAV DOES IT, RIGHT?
[2025-01-23 23:01:46.444 UTC] datguykaide: Destiny quick sc2 stream FeelsOkayMan
[2025-01-23 23:01:47.434 UTC] nithix: RightToBearArmsLOL hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:01:47.986 UTC] johnhentai: Destiny CINEMA sue that bitch
[2025-01-23 23:01:48.277 UTC] jambatsue: AnaVoir I study Biology, I was gonna become a teacher and help a charity org keeping poor children in school, but I feel like my horizons have broadened and I conquered my many many years long depression PepoComfy
[2025-01-23 23:01:48.760 UTC] paeup: jstlk has no problem with lav at all lmao
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.254 UTC] rickastley: DankWave
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.430 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.480 UTC] misterbhole: RightToBearArmsLOL DuckerZ
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.513 UTC] jowi: hi darius
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.773 UTC] cyanoperator: CINEMA CINEMA CINEMA CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:50.868 UTC] devildude: Darius Stare
[2025-01-23 23:01:51.128 UTC] unfocusedili: Vaxxed Darius
[2025-01-23 23:01:51.356 UTC] majorlee12: SoyPoint US
[2025-01-23 23:01:51.904 UTC] metaloidsword: Destiny this guy is spamming chat with negative shit about u/to others staying in dgg constantly https://rustlesearch.dev/?username=toastmaster&start_date=2010-01-01&end_date=2025-01-23&channel=Destinygg PepoG
[2025-01-23 23:01:52.116 UTC] witness: Stare Darius
[2025-01-23 23:01:53.280 UTC] theomnigroyp: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:01:53.723 UTC] lysergicacid: DankWave hi Darius
[2025-01-23 23:01:53.950 UTC] rooitier: OMEGALUL OneGuy
[2025-01-23 23:01:54.142 UTC] ripcord69: RightToBearArmsLOL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:01:54.475 UTC] doomah: NAHH NAHH
[2025-01-23 23:01:54.541 UTC] meng: RightToBearArmsLOL PepeLaugh
[2025-01-23 23:01:54.790 UTC] kelby: Destiny she loves sharing pics because it’s normalized to make fun of men
[2025-01-23 23:01:54.794 UTC] destiny: Kuki no it's just funny when it's about guys
[2025-01-23 23:01:55.150 UTC] alienxmilk: Torrniquet DCOLON wtf
[2025-01-23 23:01:55.504 UTC] flymoe: Stare Darius this is your job tho
[2025-01-23 23:01:55.634 UTC] catsparks: NAHH
[2025-01-23 23:01:56.039 UTC] taeres: new lore CINEMA
[2025-01-23 23:01:58.585 UTC] torrniquet: Locknoxx just got banned for it lol
[2025-01-23 23:01:58.687 UTC] dadi_albahadi: Torrniquet jizztickler FeelsWeirdMan
[2025-01-23 23:01:58.903 UTC] dsz: Askers
[2025-01-23 23:01:59.519 UTC] wonder_balls: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:00.227 UTC] imlotz: Askers
[2025-01-23 23:02:00.409 UTC] gloomycr: Destiny how many pages of manifesto so far?
[2025-01-23 23:02:00.783 UTC] chacha: Destiny hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:01.350 UTC] pajeepers: Darius why are you reading dgg on stream Concerned
[2025-01-23 23:02:01.666 UTC] renz: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:01.842 UTC] kuki: Destiny hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:01.860 UTC] anavoir: Youremom OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:02.276 UTC] fish: paeup lav just blasts hard rs all the time pepl
[2025-01-23 23:02:02.500 UTC] misterbhole: still can't believe Mr girl had his own avatar on jewstalkers stream
[2025-01-23 23:02:03.552 UTC] wonder_balls: HUH
[2025-01-23 23:02:04.708 UTC] cyanoperator: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:06.538 UTC] witness: Destiny hesRight NOSHOT
[2025-01-23 23:02:07.787 UTC] gravatus_: wasnt that picture fake? or is this another picture
[2025-01-23 23:02:08.729 UTC] paretooptimal: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:10.267 UTC] crac2: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:10.524 UTC] alembic: true fuck the double standard NODDERS
[2025-01-23 23:02:10.595 UTC] devildude: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:10.756 UTC] udon: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:10.991 UTC] cr_y: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.046 UTC] lkazabraham: mock wedding OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.077 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.103 UTC] taeres: hesRight hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.217 UTC] doomah: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.423 UTC] tsenumaic: TRUE
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.566 UTC] figgles: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:11.702 UTC] zip39: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:12.859 UTC] nohtusreborn: hesRight Darius is spitting rn
[2025-01-23 23:02:12.950 UTC] gurtyobain: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:13.013 UTC] lysergicacid: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:13.287 UTC] buchmann00: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:13.478 UTC] ivory: hesRight OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:13.544 UTC] slipup: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:13.861 UTC] tacotabo: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:14.484 UTC] datguykaide: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:14.780 UTC] xdddddddddddddddd: TRUE hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:15.208 UTC] misterbhole: OMEGALUL
[2025-01-23 23:02:15.773 UTC] k1ngkoala: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:15.967 UTC] rickastley: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:16.401 UTC] lysergicacid: GIGACHAD WARIUS
[2025-01-23 23:02:16.407 UTC] thunder_senpai: Destiny manifesto this time? LUL Chatting
[2025-01-23 23:02:16.803 UTC] cyanoperator: hesRight
[2025-01-23 23:02:16.885 UTC] locknoxx: Torrniquet from where NAHH that's crazy NAHH